Scholarships with the Schwab and Westheimer Trusts, in collaboration with The Refugees Support Network

The Marks Family Charitable Trust partners with the Schwab and Westheimer Trusts to fund Scholarships, with the Refugee Education UK

Since 2018, in collaboration with The Schwab and Westheimer Trusts and the Refugee Education UK, The Marks Family Charitable Trust has offered several scholarships each year to students with a refugee status wishing to continue with their higher education in the UK, whether at an undergraduate or postgraduate level. There is a rigorous selection process, and successful applicants have been chosen both for their past achievements and for any future contribution which they are likely to make either in the UK or in their country of origin.

Scholarships Awarded

Students from Africa, Eastern Europe, The Middle East and beyond have applied, and there is a correspondingly diverse range of preferred courses and universities. Currently, the Marks Family Trust is funding

  • 3-year LLB Law degree at Oxford Brookes

  • MSc Psychology conversion course at London University

  • PHD on Forced Migration at The University of Leeds

The aims of the Schwab and Westheimer Trusts, that The Marks Family Charitable Trust support;

  • To promote and encourage the education of young asylum seekers and refugees

  • To make the wider community aware of the considerable effort and achievement of young asylum seekers and refugees

  • To encourage a positive public perception of these young people.

    The principle methods by which we hope to accomplish these aims:

    i. By providing financial assistance towards education;
    ii. By promoting positively their achievements through the provision of awards.

To find our more;

The Marks Family Charitable Trust Scholarships are advertised each year in March through Refugee Education UK and thence via social media.


Further links:

Schwab and Westheimer Trusts


Refugee Education UK

(formerly Refugee Support Network)


The Restoration and Renovation of the Grade II listed Victorian Library at Exeter College, Oxford


School’s Project with the National Literacy Trust, producing free resources designed to be used by schools across the UK